August 11, 2008717 viewsUsing white athletic tape, quarterback Ben Roethlisberger taped the No. 16 on the side of his helmet. It was a tribute to Charlie Batch, the backup QB who suffered a broken collarbone in Friday’s preseason won over the Philadelphia Eagles.
Batch underwent surgery at noon Monday (August 11th) to fix the fracture.
August 11, 2008746 views
August 11, 2008837 viewsBen and Byron.
August 11, 2008866 views
Training Camp, 2018424 views"We stood for over an hour next to boy that got the first shoe. Great family. My son got Ben’s autograph. He signed items for close to an hour after practice." -- Brad Cramer.
"I saw a lot of lucky little kids today Ssoooooo excited they were able to get his autograph. Was walking behind a little boy who could not stop showing his excitement and telling his mom about it. I told him I have been coming to camp ever since I was a little girl and STILL have yet to get his autograph and how special he must of been! His excitement grew even more 😂 Ben is such a stand up guy as always 💜" -- Lauren Nicole.
August 13, 2008802 views
August 13, 2008749 views
Training Camp, 2016497 viewsThe Steelers practiced indoors this particular afternoon because of thundestorms in the area -
Teresa Varley @Teresa_Varley
.@jharrison9292 and @_BigBen7 share a laugh in the gym. ‪#‎Steelers‬
Training Camp, 2016498 viewsTeresa Varley @Teresa_Varley
.@_BigBen7 and @Southcity22 before practice in the gym. ‪#‎steelers‬