And they have done it without a lot of fanfare, without attention and cameras capturing every moment, even though they deserve accolades for the work they do.
It’s not what they look for, but on Friday night, it’s what they finally received.

“They have been amazing,” said Nicole Molinaro, President and CEO of the WC&S. “There are wives who have been with us for a while. There are wives who the players have left the game, or the team and they still reach out and help us. There are new ones that come in. They have been so consistent. They do so many programs and events for our wives and kids and they are always the highlights for our residents. Throughout the year they do wonderful activities and gestures for the women and kids. They are incredible partners.
“What we love the most is not that they do these events and provide meals, but they really talk to the women and kids. You look at the group of people when they are there, and it looks like it’s old friends talking to old friends. They get right in with our residents, talk and get to know them, and give them the hope they need. The people at our shelter get encouraged when they see outside people supporting them. It really means a lot to them. To have the partners of the Steelers, who everyone loves and cheers on, to have them come in and show them they are special is incredible. Their work is so meaningful.”
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