…because I just couldn’t fit any more amazing messages to #7 into yesterday’s post!

More from Twitter, Facebook, emails and texts:

(You’ll need to press “Read More” at the bottom of the post to see all of them!)

PJ Shaw: He can take down his name plate….he can clean out his locker….he can retire his cleats…..but his irreplaceable legacy will always remain the heart and soul of the Steelers. The shadow of his name and the memories in his locker will always be there. As for his shoes….there will never be another quarterback who will fill them. God’s speed to Ben, may he enjoy the life that is his destiny as a Christian, a husband, and a father. He deserves all the happiness by which he is blessed.


Nick Patti @nickpatti40
As a young kid @seniorbowl practice, I met @_BigBen7 at Majors Field in Fairhope, AL. I had him going to Canton too.


“Dear Ben, I felt that the Holy Spirit was compelling me to reach out to you with what is on my heart. Let me first say, Thank You for the exciting years you brought to Steelers football. I have been following the Steelers since I was a young boy when Terry Bradshaw, Tony Dungy, and so many other well known Steelers played. I remember the year you were drafted and many of the struggles you faced early on in your career off the field. I also seem to remember early on your stance as a Christian. Your ‘PFJ’ message on your cleats. To me – that is one of the details that stand out most to me about your career. Not that you are perfect, but that you are a man trying to live out your faith through the strength of God’s Holy Spirit living within you. It is with that in mind I write the rest of this email. My hope and prayer is that it will be an encouragement to you in your spiritual walk. In order to shorten this email, I will highlight my thoughts I’ve compiled. Pointing skyward- I believe you were giving credit to God.
Men of Faith broadcast – watched it last year. Light of Life Mission House/ money matched. 2016 Pittsburgh Post Gazette article: ‘Ben’s Quiet Quest’. Tennessee game this year – when you went into the tunnel and the cameras caught you alone with your head down – I believe you endeavored your find a quiet place to spend moments in your ‘prayer closet’ praying about whatever you were sharing with God. To me, that was the bigger picture than the game. That spoke to me.Being the spiritual leader to your family God has called you to be. Lastly – your times of giving credit to the Lord for the way He has blessed you with your abilities. To all of THESE things – I say Thank you! Thank you for using your platform to endeavor to live your life as a testimony to God. Remember – what you have done on the field will be remembered in this life. Yet what you do for your Heavenly Father in this life will be remembered more importantly when you stand in his presence. I’m sure there is something I have forgotten, but I think you get the picture. I call you my Brother-In-Christ more than I call you my favorite football player of all. Thank you! My prayer is that God will use you to do great things for his kingdom’s work in the years to come. In his service.

Remember – A life lived for Christ, is a life lived right. Thank you, Marty Durnell”


Rickey B Ramsey @RBramsey
7, you turned my love for the Steelers into an obsession. If u were on the field, we had a chance. I wish you could’ve seen our sign as u walked off for the last time, but I’m thankful I had a front row view of it w/ my wife and BabyBen! Thanks for the memories
@_BigBen7!! #BigBen


Karen Kokoski-Salter: God is good! Thank you for 18 years of exciting Steeler football! Best wishes on the journey ahead. Keep God in your heart and family by your side. We will miss seeing our #7 on the field. Your spirit will live on in our hearts!


Kevin Adams @KevinAdams26
People find motivation in all sorts of different ways in life. Mine was Ben Roethlisberger and the Steelers. I grew up a poor kid from a small PA town, but dreams of watching the 7 lit a fire that I used every single day to better my life and chase my dreams. I’m forever grateful.


Coach Jaibo🦀 @HuanSolo
Gracias @_BigBen7!! #HereWeGo #Steelers #BigBen @acereros @steelers


Tina Lamonte: Respect you will forever be a “Champion” in our eyes, and we sincerely thank you for your geart, your grit, your strength, your service and dedication. Your love for both our team and our fans is heartfelt. This is not goodbye, but hello to your new journey. It was an honor to ibserve your talent as a player and your character as a hunan. We will miss you – Steelers 4ever.


Jena Weaver-Camacho @jweaver_camacho
My QB and my favorite player for 18 years – what a ride. Thank you for all the memories, hard work and grit you put into that black and gold jersey. You are the definition of a Pittsburgh Steeler. If this was the last ride — thank you, 7!!! Miss you on the field already


Terry Henry: I have no words. Only know that you will definitely be missed. Please enjoy all this time you will have with your family..you truly deserve it. With love from one of your many true fans..God Bless.


Nadjejd Scott: I don’t think I ever thought this day would come but just like any other job….you can’t do it forever!! So we THE TRUE NATION…..#SteelerNation says SEE YOU LATER & God Bless You to our QB!! #MyQB #SteelersForever #HereWeGo #BigBen7 #YouWillBeMissed”


Lore @lkfwoa94
@_BigBen7 Heart! God be with you in all He has planned for you and, your family! It’s got to be a big plan. Because for those much is given… much is required! It will be great. God bless you all! From a Chiefs fan.


Chris Peters: It was a hell of a ride! It was awesome growing up with you….literally! Good times, bad times, rough times and some true face palming times. That said, you did well brother! Sad to see you go but excited to see what you do with the rest of your days in God’s world!!


Glynn Molinich @GMolinich17
I’ve been blessed watching this man play for my favorite team for the majority of my life. All I can say is #ThankYouBen
@_BigBen7 for all the incredible joy, inspiration and memories you have given myself and so many others. #HereWeGo Forever


Derrick Hatter: Enjoy your retirement..enjoy your family..you’ve earned it..thank you for 18 seasons of your life bleeding black and yellow all the way to this moment..it had truly been an honor to watch you lay it all out there for the last 18 years..good luck and best wishes to you and your family going forward!!


Dennis Jones: Thank you, Ben, for the 18 years of Steelers’ memories. Good luck in your future endeavors!!!


“This was taken on Jan 9th when Steelers played the Ravens…what a game!

As you can see our group loves Big Ben! He will sure be missed but the #7 will still be the most popular jerseys worn at our Steeler Shak on game days!

Best wishes to Ben on his much deserved retirement.

Ron Manz, Chari Karinshak and the crew


Patty Coates-Wolf: I’ve been a Steeler fan since 1970 and have witnessed the great men who donned the black and gold over the years! Thank you for always giving us your best on the field and always giving us a chance to win! It’s been an honor and pleasure to have watched you become one of the great quarterbacks in the NFL! Thank you for the great memories! Enjoy your time time with you family creating even greater memories Ben!


SteelerChickPGH @SteelerChickPGH
Thank you isn’t enough. We will miss you more than you can imagine. A true heart of black & gold 🖤💛 Wishing you an even more beautiful life. #BigBen7 #Steelers #PittsburghStrong


“I’m just a 50-year old woman who has joked around for years that Ben is my boyfriend, lol. He has been my favorite since he started in 2004. My daughter moved to Pittsburgh for college in August of 2016, and that was when we started going to games yearly. I’m sssooo grateful I’ve seen Ben and the team 5 times at Heinz, and 3 times at training camp. Never got a signature at camp, but he was usually busy. Just wanna say that part of my bucketlist got fulfilled when I got to see Ben play live. I hope one day to see Ben and have a conversation with him when I’m visiting Pittsburgh. Just please relay this message to him. And if the Lord sees it possible, one day it will happen. God Bless and happy retirement Big Ben 7!!

Joy Thomas


Jo @Jo_HR76
He’s been rooting for #7 @_BigBen7 his whole life. Thank you, Big Ben! 💛🖤 #SteelersNation #Steelers #BigBen #HereWeGo


Nancy Isenberg: You’ve had an incredible ride and I’m so happy I got to hang on the whole time and watch all of that ride. Thanks for the memories. God bless you and your family. You will always be a big part of Steeler Nation.


Shawn Lemon: Ive been a life long Bears fan. And Dad who has passed was a Raiders fan. But he and I Iooked forward to watching you play the game. You were truly one of the best. And did things in the moment that only you could have done. Me and my Pop saw it many times with our own eyes! It was a honor Big Ben! Enjoy your retirement and life with your family.


Keith Molinich @PFBPanthers
@_BigBen7 A Big Time Steeler Game Memory!! #HereWeGo


Chris Peters: It was a hell of a ride! It was awesome growing up with you….literally! Good times, bad times, rough times and some true face palming times. That said, you did well brother! Sad to see you go but excited to see what you do with the rest of your days in God’s world!!


Bobbi Jo Carr: Watching the Steelers without #7, just won’t be the same. The thrills, the heart attacks, the cheers, you made our Sundays special. Couldn’t wait until spring training, and it was always so exciting to watch you run out onto the field and lead your team. Good luck Ben, now you can concentrate on your beautiful family, and I’m sure, your community. Best of luck!


“Big Ben,

We do a game called Hi Low at the dinner table. I mentioned that I was sad a couple of days ago that you were retiring. My step daughter, Ellie, immediately got up and made you this card.

I got to travel to Pittsburgh this year to catch my first game in Heinz field after living in NC and FL my whole life. I had to make the trip to show my appreciation for all the great memories through the years. Thanks for growing and learning through your career and showing how to excel while overcoming adversity.

Grace is a great thing.

Congratulations on a Hall of Fame career!



“This is my official design commemorating Big Ben’s retirement, intending to represent my time watching him practically my entire life. Ever since I was able to comprehend football, he was my QB and my favorite player in the NFL. It was difficult knowing that those final few games were going to be his last. I never envisioned the day when I’d actually hear that he had officially retired. I got so used to looking forward to the next season and how the Steelers would continue to build around Ben. But either way, I will always be extremely grateful I got to watch his entire career from start to finish. All I’ve ever known is Ben at QB and he will always be my favorite player of all-time. Love you Ben!” — Austin Pasquale.


Roger7 @Roger_Saucedo
@_BigBen7 The 7s! I am very proud to have started this annual tradition in our club in #Monterrey, México since 2012. #ThankYou7


Gerold Buckhalter: Thank you, Ben, for some of my best times in life. You will always be the image that comes to mind when I hear the words “Pittsburgh Steelers”!


“Ben, from one Steelers fan to you and yes I’m from beaver falls, pa!! I have watched you for years and I have seen you play at Heinz field and many times in Miami when we use to live in ft lauderdale , fla. And we relocated to the eastern shore of Maryland and I have seen you play in Baltimore!! You have been such a great quarterback for the Steelers!! You have brought us so much joy over the years!! We wish you all the best in your retirement!! We will miss you!! Go enjoy your family and your life!! You have such a beautiful family and coach your boys in their future sports!! I have your jersey and will continue to wear it proudly or I will put it in a frame with Troy’s, Hines’ and Jerome’s!! Plus I have a lot of Steelers memorabilia from over the years!! You gave us a great 28 years and represented Pittsburgh well!! Keep up the good work and see you in Canton!! Congratulations and thank for 18 great years and two super bowls!!!

Take care, Dawn M. Fardelmann


Nikki Cox: Thank you Ben!!🖤💛 it’s been a honor!


Allen Barlow: Great way to announce it. So many of us waited what seemed like forever for the next great Steelers QB to come. You were & are such blessing. Thank you Ben. God bless you & your family.



What started out as fandom turned into a real education about how to persevere in the face of adversity and how to be your own person.
Beyond the incredible exploits on the field, there have been so many things you have done that have been either inspiring, unique, or just fun, oftentimes all three.

Just a few-
– The K-9 grants and Make-A-Wish, how wonderful to impact communities across the nation.
– Earning your college degree.
– Sharing your beautiful family, including all the milestones and mishaps that make parenting so special.
– All of the marathon autograph sessions at training camp and giving countless cleats to young fans.
– The fun of the summer football camps with the emphasis on sportsmanship.
– The videos- Bigger than Ben, Different, and of course, your farewell video- just great!
– Trusting Erin to manage your website at a time when trust was hard to give. The positive stories, pictures, videos, contests, and monthly birthday wishes are all so engaging and a great counter to the negativity. Great job, Erin!

These are only some of the many ways you have touched the fanbase . Thank you for everything. Stay healthy, enjoy yourself, and don’t be a stranger!

Love and honor right back at you, Maria Van Buskirk.



Richard Benson: I could not stop crying after that video. It is the end of an era. I will so miss watching you play, Ben. From one Ohio boy to another, thank you Ben! You are loved and appreciated by so many. My heart hurts so much that I won’t get to see you play anymore. You have been and always will be my hero. Good luck on your future endeavors, and God Bless you! You are an amazing human being and you have touched so many lives. 100 years from now people will still be talking about the greatest Steelers quarterback ever, Big Ben Roethlisberger.


“My name is Ben Barnes. At school, we were recently asked to write a poem about our favorite memory from our favorite place. My favorite place is Heinz field. The poem I wrote is about Ben’s final game in front of the home crowd. I was there to witness it, and it was one of the best and most bittersweet nights of my life. To watch the man that has given this city everything for 18 years, and the only quarterback that I’ve ever watched play in the black and gold, and my namesake, go out in front of steeler nation one last time was an honor and a blessing. The Lord blessed the city of Pittsburgh with Ben Roethlisberger. I know you guys get a ton of emails, but if you just so happen to read this one, then that would be amazing. Anyways, here’s the poem. I hope you like it.”

End of an Era

Deep in the heart of a nation
Lies a tradition like no other
One of winning, without hesitation,
The crowd packs the seats
The Captain takes the field
As 63,000 hearts beat,
Captain’s brothers prepare to strike, without a yield
The Captain takes a final lap around his home
As the nation loudly roars
He takes a seat on his throne
And takes in his final moments with the crowd he adores
As he walks over to the door
Media in tow
He embraces his family, and the crowd cheers like never before
And the Captain walks away, this time, taking it slow.


Michael Davis: Ben Roethlisberger, you will forever be my Quarterback. You kept my faith in my Steelers alive for the last 18 years showing myself and the rest of Steeler Nation that the basic principles that Mr. Rooney built my beloved team on , are still deep rooted within his organization. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have done for us. I wish you and your family the very best in all your endeavors and pray that life after football is as fulfilling as you deserve. Thanks again Ben. What a ride!


“More than my favorite player, you became part of my family over the past 18 years. You’re the true definition of what it means to be a Steeler and there’s no other player I would have rather taken this journey with. I will miss you, but enjoy your retirement and that beautiful family. Thank you Ben.” — Jessie Marie


Misty Mills: Thank you Ben for your loyalty and 18 years of excitement of Steelers Football. I got the chance to see you at training camp in 2009 with my friend Renee and my baby sister Bryana, who I’ve lost in 2013, was so excited to receive a high five from you. She said your hands were huge and sweaty compared to her tiny hands. It made me laugh but being the big sister I am, I made sure she was up there to see you! Everyone of us in Steeler Nation was blessed and lucky to have you as our QB. There will never be another one like you! Enjoy retirement with your family and I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We will miss you! See you in Canton, 7! Forever a fan!


Jennifer Lippmann: Thank you Ben! You will be missed. My two sons who are quarterbacks have looked up to you for many years. You are the only quarterback they have ever known with the Steelers. They attended many of your camps and we loved how your entire family would support and interact with the campers. Thank you for bleeding black and gold for 18 years. Enjoy your beautiful family and retirement!!


Juuly D’Cena @JuulyDcena
#GraciasBigBen7 @_BigBen7 #Forev7r


“Hello Ben,

My name is JM and I am a huge Steelers fan and college baseball player at Elizabethtown College in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.

Congrats on retirement! I am so proud of you and your career and I decided to write a little something to my friends and family that I would like to share to you.

‘To show my respect, I decided to take a couple minutes out of my day to reflect on what he has taught me and the athlete I aspire to be.

First, Ben taught me toughness. Ben played through many painful injuries throughout his career, but he always ran through that tunnel every Sunday no matter how hurt he was. He gave the game his all 100% of the time. Ben was a fierce competitor. He always battled to the very end no matter how bad he was playing or how bad his team was losing. I will never forget his efforts recently in the wild card game against Cleveland in 2020 and a Thursday night game against the Vikings this year. Down 28 points in both of those games, Ben gave it his all until the final whistle. Knowing he had let down his team in that playoff game, he threw for over 500 yards and 4 TDs despite being down multiple scores throughout the game. These past two years have been difficult for Ben, as he began to realize that his age was catching up to him and his skills were declining. This didn’t affect him from wanting to give it his all every Sunday.

Being physically tough, Ben was also mentally ahead of athletes of his time. His ability to keep his composure through out tough games and off the field help him be able to perform at peak performance. It is not easy to play quarterback for one of the most hated teams in America. But Ben focused on himself and never gave in to the media or the haters.

Ben was also a winner. He never had a losing season in 18 years in Pittsburgh and lead them to countless playoff appearances and won two Super Bowls. He had exceptional records against his rival AFC North teams. The man had a will to win and seemed to always overcome his challenges.

Ben was also a leader. He is loved by all his teammates young and old. He has amazing relationships with his wide receivers like young juju smith-schuster and his lineman, lifelong buddy Maurkice Pouncey. He inspires his teammates to be tough just like him. He teaches that blue collar grit that has been engraved in Pittsburgh culture over the years. Teammates look up to him and aspire to give it their all no matter the circumstance.

I will never forget the first quarterback that made me fall in love with steeler football. I will always remember the awesome memories especially gritty wins against the Ravens. I hope retirement treats ben well as he moves into a new chapter of his life. He will definitely miss football, but he knows he has done everything he could to be the best player he could be.

I love you 7. Thanks for the memories and impact you’ve had on my life 🖤💛

Love, JM Musser


Drew Joseph: Remember my first game at Heinz Field back in 2014. I have been your biggest fan since 2004. I was only 6 when we drafted you, but ever since that day I have loved you, Ben!! I will miss you and have been balling since the clock hit 0, but I’m forever grateful to you and your family and the Pittsburgh Steelers!!


Bonnie Delar: Thank you, Ben for these many years. The connection you have with me, as just one of your fans, has been unbelievable I think, and special in the sport. I’m honored by this and grateful for being able to watch every step for the last 18 years (every game too). As your fan, I can feel it when you walk out on that field not for your own glory, but for Steeler Nation and your Teammates and coaches, and fans, such a true gift that I’m grateful I was able to watch and be a part of supporting. I’ve felt your bumps and bruises, watched your growth, your wins and losses, with you.. every step of the way, wished at times I could come up and encourage you, calm that great competetor’s heart of yours in tough conditions, because I knew you wore that great heart on your sleeve. I’m crying now watching you clear out that locker, and I know you are emotional about leaving us. To say that we will miss you and your great heart seems an understatement. I look forward to seeing you in another capacity at some point. But for now, I will take time to mourn losing you as our Steelers QB and wonder what the future holds.


*Thank you to everyone who took the time to write these beautiful, heartfelt messages. I’m sorry we weren’t able to put them all on the website, but unfortunately we barely scratched the surface of the thousands of well-wishes that Ben received. Please know that just because they didn’t make it on his website does not mean they weren’t seen or read!

Much love and thanks to you, Steelers Nation!