The Ben Roethlisberger Foundation |
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April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2830 viewsBen watches a K-9 demonstration.
*CLICK on LAST UPLOADS to see the latest photos!

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2612 views

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2564 views

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2620 views

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2874 views

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2842 viewsIn the last 10 years, the Monessen police department has had two other dogs, including one provided through donations from Monessen native and former heavyweight boxing champion Michael Moorer. The department had been without a K-9 dog for about five years before Dax joined the force.
"They are the most underappreciated officer there is," said Roethlisberger, who owns a rottweiler and a Burmese mountain dog. "An officer feels pretty safe when they have a canine on their side."

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2830 views

April 30, 2008 - Ben's Foundation Gives K-9 Grants to Pittsburgh2755 viewsBen speaks to the media after his press conference:
"It's tough to choose who gets the dogs and the grants," Roethlisberger said at the news conference. "But we hope to continue to get more support from sponsors and to be able to keep this going. We'd love to do this every year for the rest of my career here."

"Thank you Ben!"1344 viewsMy name is Jay Rusch and I am the General Manager at Woodside Plantation Country Club in Aiken, SC.
Earlier this evening, I was reading an article about Ben Roethlisberger and it pertained to Aiken, SC.
I was a little surprised and excited especially after I finished the article. I am a HUGE Steeler fan (born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA) and I currently live in Aiken, SC, I thought to myself, this is awesome!
A close friend of mine, Clark Smith is a K-9 Narcotics Officer for Aiken Department of Public Safety and his K-9 partner, Fox (Belgium Malinois – photo attached) are an amazing team and asset to our community.
I just wanted to say THANK YOU to Ben Roethlisberger for the grant to ADPS. – Best regards, Jay Rusch, PGA.

November 5, 2013: An 8-year old Make-A-Wish hero1311 viewsA South Allegheny Elementary third-grader was recognized by the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Make-A-Wish Foundation for his charitable efforts.
Tony Cook, 8, of Liberty served as the foundation’s special ambassador for a presentation on Friday and watched the Black-and-Gold practice.
Tony has been instrumental in raising about $44,000 for Make-A-Wish, which includes a $30,000 contribution from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation.
He shared his experience with classmates on Monday morning.
“It was really cool,†Tony said of his visit with the Steelers. “They made it sound like they were at a real game.â€
He showed the class an autographed football, picture and jersey worn by Roethlisberger during the game against the Oakland Raiders. He also received a Terrible Towel signed by other players, watched practice at the Steelers’ South Side facility and checked out Roethlisberger’s locker.
“It’s like a really big locker room,†Tony said. “I found he had the left top corner (locker).â€
Roethlisberger on Friday presented a $30,000 check from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation to Make-A-Wish president and CEO Judith Stone.
Tony handed over his savings to Make-A-Wish last year, making a Christmas donation of $185.35. He raised $264.50 this February through a bake sale during parent-teacher conferences at the elementary school, and continues to raise funds through other bake sales and a golf outing organized by his uncle, David Hoffmann, and DB Root & Co.
“He’s a very nice guy,†Tony said of Roethlisberger.
Students were impressed with Tony’s memorabilia and stories.
“I think you should let him have a homework pass,†classmate Brielle Boyle said to teacher Julie Doughty.
You can read more here:
Photo: Cindy Shegan Keeley

October 25, 2013 - Ben receives Law Enforcement Award1186 views“To be the first one outside of law enforcement to win this award, it’s an awesome honor. The award means a lot to my foundation.†– Ben
From Teresa Varley, Steelers.com:
Ben Roethlisberger was honored on Friday afternoon at the 13th Annual Amen Corner Senator John Heinz Law Enforcement Awards Luncheon at the Sheraton Hotel at Station Square.
Roethlisberger became the first non-law enforcement individual to be honored by the Amen Corner, receiving the award for his contribution to K-9 units of police and fire departments in the Pittsburgh area and throughout the country through his foundation.
The luncheon annually honors a select group of police officers for their heroic actions, with 10 officers from the Western Pennsylvania area honored this year. Each of the law enforcement officers will receive a statuette, modeled after the Law Enforcement Officers Memorial near Heinz Field.
Congratulations on this honor, Ben! It is well deserved. Zeus is wagging his tail from Heaven!
*Thank you to Mr. Stokey, WTAE news anchor & sports director, for the photos!

November 1, 2013: Big Ben donates to Make-A-Wish1284 viewsSteelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger loves when he has the opportunity to put a smile on the face of a child who visits the team through the Make-A-Wish® foundation. The reaction he always gets from the kids is one of pure joy, making the day of a young fan that definitely can use a boost.
On Friday he did even more to help, presenting a check to Make-A-Wish® Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia for $30,000, a donation from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation. Roethlisberger made a similar donation last year and said hearing from the kids who had their wishes granted as a result made it extra special.
“I got a packet and an envelope with a bunch of letters in it from Make-A-Wish kids whose wishes got granted,†said Roethlisberger. “I could just see the smile on their faces as I was reading the letters. It means so much to me and my family and the foundation to be able to help out Make-A-Wish.â€
Roethlisberger presented the check to Judith Stone, President and CEO of Make-A-Wish® and eight-year old Anthony Cook. Cook, a huge Roethlisberger fan who had his wish of going to Disney World granted and in turn has given back by donating the money he received from the tooth fairy and getting a good report card to help other kids.
The wide-eyed Cook was in awe meeting Roethlisberger and some of his teammates, watching practice and then heading into the locker room.
“It felt really good to meet Ben,†said Cook, “I was really excited. We went in the locker room and he made me find his locker.â€
Roethlisberger also gave Cook the torn jersey he wore against the Raiders, giving the young boy something he will always treasure, as Roethlisberger himself treasures meeting the kids whose wishes he helps grant at the team’s practice facility throughout the season.
The money that Roethlisberger donated will help to fund seven wishes, allowing the smiles to continue for a while.
You can read more from Ms. Varley here:
You can also watch video of Ben’s presentation to Make-A-Wish here: