Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger gets a Father’s Day hug from his daughter, Baylee, 4, during his Pro Camp at the UPMC Rooney Sports Complex Sunday morning.
— Matt Freed (@mattfreedpghpg) June 17, 2018
“To me this is what it’s about. I have an unbelievable platform to share so many things, whether it’s about life, faith, family, football. To be able to come out here and teach football, sportsmanship, fun, that is what it’s all about. I just want people to understand you can have fun and be safe if you are taught the right way. That is what we are doing.” — Ben.
Little Ben catches a pass from his dad Big Ben! #firstyearcamper #Happyfathersday2018 @_BigBen7
— Eileen Mess (@Eimess76) June 17, 2018
@_BigBen7 @ProCamps @SunnyDelight what a way to spend Father’s Day. Watching you child do what they love. Thanks for the memories!
Kendall Hicks II @TeamHicks37
It was a dream for some of these kids to get a pass from Ben!
Our first time at Ben camp! Kids loving it! @SunnyDelight @_BigBen7 and @ProCamps

Ben Rothlisberger’s camp is amazing. The kids are really enjoying it. @SunnyDelight
@_BigBen7 and @ProCamps
Andrew @beileberbecks
@sunnyd @_BigBen7 @ProCamps 1400 miles to get here!! Memories priceless!
@_BigBen7 @ProCamps @SunnyDelight we’ll be back every year. Ian Bennett loves this camp.

@_BigBen7 @SunnyDelight @ProCamps Happy Father’s Day! Best Father’s Day ever watching my son havin a blast on the field with Ben and all the kids!

“You are the best on the field and off when it comes to showing how to do great things for fans and community. Thank you for being you.” — Susan Burkhamer.
Emma Lady @lady4_emma
Loved watching Ben Roethlisberger Jr., all the dads, and kids performing in the SmokeHouse Race.

me giving Ben a pep talk having fun @ProCamps @_BigBen7 love this guy he’s so cool to me #bigbenmybud
“It is so uplifting when athletes realize “But for the grace of God . . . . ” Ben showing compassion to Zachery, as well as others, is evidence that he is a class act – – – all the way!” — Roberta Villanueva.

Steel Dad @SteelDad
I’m away from my kids on this Father’s Day but they gave me a pass! Thanks to @ProCamps for a great opportunity today at @_BigBen7 FB Camp!
@_BigBen7 @ProCamps @SunnyDelight Just met Big Ben!! The pulled hamstring was worth it for meeting him and running for my son!

Promoting teamwork, good sportsmanship and having tremendous amounts of fun! @SunnyDelight, @_BigBen7 @ProCamps
@sunnydelight @_BigBen7 @ProCamps Many kids are having a wonderful time learning basic football thanks to Ben encouragement. Great event.
Joshua Dyer @jdyer61
This is a awesome camp. Big Ben is more than fair with each kids. Awesome @SunnyDelight @_BigBen7 @ProCamps

“My son had the best day ever!!!!! Ben was so nice to all the children and made a point to interact with as many as he could. The first of many we will be attending for sure!!!!” — Andrea Montroy.

@_BigBen7 @ProCamps @KraftHeinzCo Very well done. Very organized and well worth it! Highly recommend to any parent with a young fan.
“Awesome job! All the children had definitely had fun!” — Lolita Fiorini.

“What a great time we had. Ben is a top notch guy. It’s amazing how much was collected for people in need.” — Steve Leverich.
“Thank you Ben for everything you do for the people of Pittsburgh. May God bless you and your family! — Daniel Lopez.

Pittsburgh Steeler Ben Roethlisberger plans out a route for Tiberius Reuss to run during his Pro Camp Sunday, June 16, 2019, at the UPMC Rooney Sports Complex on the South Side. @ProCamps
“Ben you are an awesome athlete and giving person!! What you do for these kids they will never forget!!” — Elizabeth Ann Cook.

“What an awesome Father’s Day! My Dad, Marty Valego, got to chat with Ben. Also, photos of my sons, Brantley and Talon talking to Ben. We had such a great time! Ben is so humble and made our day!” — Julie (JuJu) Jones.

Aside from this award, Ja’Quan ran the fastest 400mm dash out of all 300 youth who attended the camp! Now that’s speed!
Thank you Ben Roethlisberger and Tickets for Kids for this amazing opportunity.
#GoJaQuanGo — Hope For Tomorrow, Inc.
“Thank you Ben for everything you do for the city of Pittsburgh!!” — Craig Muntean.
“My wife brought Maddie last year and all I heard about was how great it was…and I think this year even blew me away more than I was prepared for. Ben and Brett remembered Maddie and her good friend Katie from last year. Ben even teased the girls about being on the same team again.

If she could have a perfect day it would have had to have been Monday. She got to hug Ben twice…she got to talk to him…she won camper of the day…and won an autographed jersey from Ben. I am not sure she will come down out of the clouds for a while! The camp was great and I could see how into it Ben was and how much all of the kids enjoyed it…but Ben taking that moment to let Maddie know that he remembered her from last year truly meant the world to her!” — Joe Mulinaro, IN.

My grandson holds onto the ball and heads for the endzone! Heath Miller-esque! — Anita Doddroe.

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