Who Do We Love? BIG BEN!! Who Do We Love? BIG BEN!
Three-year old Maeve (who prefers to say she is “three years of old”) never likes to be too far from her Big Ben doll! But when she is, BIG BEN gets a BIG HUG when they finally reunite! (Photo: Mom Naomh)
And three-year old Wyatt left his Big Ben doll at grandma’s house! Whew, what an ordeal!! But the crisis has been averted and now that he has him back, the plan is to keep him close from here on out! (Photo: Dad Mark)
The jig is up, the news is out, we’ve finally found her…
Wait…this little cheerleader isn’t just a Lil’ Fan!! She’s also a Lil’ Wrenegade!! Eight-month old Wren will be cheering on her QB and her team on Sunday, for sure!! (Photo: Nana Mary Beth).
So dad says two-year old Millie is Big Ben’s #2 fan, because HE’S Big Ben’s #1 fan! But Millie respectfully disagrees. She also thinks she looks way cuter in her #7 jersey than her dad! Yeah, we’re definitely gonna go with Millie on this one! (Photo: Dad Brady).
Grandma is convinced that four-month old Remi’s first words will be “Here we go Steelers!”. (Photo: Grandma Stephanie).
Meet our beautiful October model for a very special ‘Awareness Month’:
“My daughter Chloe has achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. Sunday, October 25th is Dwarfism Awareness Day (all month is Awareness Month) so I was hoping maybe you could highlight her in all her Steeler glory!! My goal is to raise awareness and “normalize” dwarfism, and what better way to do that than with an adorable baby rocking her Steelers gear!!” — Melissa Hess.
You can learn more about Dwarfism Awareness Month here.
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