Seeing double is a good thing when it comes to Steelers fans, especially when they’re THIS cute!

Aletta and Adelyn don’t care that the colors on the field this weekend aren’t Black & Gold…they’ll still be wearing theirs! (Photo: Codie Gioia)

“Watt time is it? Why it’s ALWAYS T.J. WATT time!!!!” — Evie. (Photo: Megan)

Santana is hoping to be drafted by the Steelers in the future as an offensive lineman. (Photo: Candi Callaway)

3-year old Violet and her 1-year old sister, Amelia told mom that they’re going to sit right here until Steelers training camp starts! (Photo: Alex Fisher)

“You say there’s a big game this weekend? Whatevs…I’ll be napping!” — Katherine. (Photo: John Spencer II)

Hey! Wait just a dog gone minute!! How did this little fur baby sneak in here??

“No tail wagging, no tongue out, no panting…just act cool and cute and maybe they won’t notice that I’m not a human lil’ fan. — Lord Bentley of Lowman. (Photo: Lee Ann Lowman)

“As Ben’s favorite poem says, ‘So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit, it’s when things seem worst that you must not quit’…and it never hurts to go into the fight with cool mittens on that look like baby boxing gloves!” — Emmett. (Photo: Alyssa Arias)

“While she doesn’t have a Ben jersey yet, 10-year old Ali is a big Steelers fan! She yells at the TV just as much as us adults.” — Lauren.

“Aunt Melanie, can we just swing by Mr. Ben’s house real quick so I can say ‘Hi’ and maybe play with Bodie for a few minutes?” — Axell. (Photo: Melanie)

“Here’s our little Steeler fan Carter with his Steeler elf, Steeler pajamas and Steeler binky.” — Katie Shinabarker.

So now the cat’s out of the bag…and in the Steelers blanket!!

It’s apparently some kind of Steelers pet royalty take-over! First we had a Lord sneak in to our post, and now a Princess?

Princess of Charleroi is just daring you to take away her favorite blanket! (Photo: Greg Y.)

“Avalyn’s sister was on Ben’s site four years ago when she drew a turkey disguised as Ben. Now Avalyn’s hoping SHE can make it to his site. Here she is showing off her new smile during Week 9…with one less tooth…as she says Steelers are EIGHT AND 0!” — Michelle Hawley.

“Our little girl is one of the newest members of Steelers Nation! Only 4 months old & our lucky charm! Always wearing her favorite Steelers clothes and watching the TV for the whole game! She knows her team!” — Emily Swindell.

Rebecca: ‘Won, not done!’

“I’ll be honest, the look on your face after the playoff game with the Browns broke my heart. It has laid on my heart to share a story with you.

Meet my son Ben….yes named after you. (Quick back story. My brother’s a Bengals fan and he named his youngest Carson, after Carson palmer. I told him one day if I had a little boy I’d name him Ben, after Ben Roethlisberger) So here I have my Ben. Ben was born 17 weeks premature and spent 11 months at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. He has cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair to get around – which is black and yellow. He uses braces to help him walk. They have the Steelers helmet on them. He uses a communication device. He tells me “Go Steelers ” Ben is 9-years old now. We watch football together and he tells me “Browns stink!”.

I’ve almost lost this boy too many times to count. This past summer we had a trip planned to Kennywood and to come watch a practice. Of course Covid happened so the trip was put on hold. We will get there soon. My son has never given up. As many times as I was told he was going to die and to turn off his machines, I told them it would be him in control of his own destiny. He never gave up.

You control your own destiny. Make this off-season your bit*h, and come back like never before!

I hope to make it to a practice or game soon. I’ll bring my miracle so I can show him also what it looks like to not give up.” — Rebecca.

You can see all of our Lil’ Fans here. And all of our Furry Fans here.