From fan Trisha Beeler on August 12, 2015:


My son Eustis and I would like to thank Ben from the very bottom of our hearts for the very amazing and impressionable first time ever at Steeler’s Training Camp on Wednesday, August 5th.

It exceeded my expectations more than I ever could have dreamed. Thank you so much Ben for making my son’s day! Big Ben so graciously took his cleat off, signed it, and handed it to my son!! It just happened so fast and we were in shock so I’m pretty sure we never got to thank him, but if you’re reading this now Big Ben, you are our HERO, you are a true class act! — Trisha & Eustis.

Update: Fan Carol Evans saw this “thank you” and wanted to add her own observations from that day –

I was standing right beside this little guy when Ben did this. I thought it was one of the nicest things I had ever seen a player do. We thought Ben passed him by, but then turned around, went back to his cart, took his shoe off, and handed it to this little guy! I patted him on the back, for a job well done! I think Ben’s thanks came from the response of the crowd. He gave his other shoe to a little girl, who was being held by her mother. Way to go Ben!

And another “thank you” for Ben that arrived on the same day:


I am an auxiliary police officer for the city of Canton, Ohio. On August 9th, Ben got a little lost trying to figure out where to park for the Hall of Fame game. With a little help from us, he got parked and in there on time. He was nice enough to take a photo with us, and I just wanted to thank Ben for taking the time to do so! — Bobby Kinser.

Trisha, Carol and Bobby, thank you both for sharing your photos and thoughts with us!