Wait, make that Black & Gold style!

Since it is October, we thought it would be fun to revisit some of our favorite Halloween costumes that Steelers Nation shared with us over the years:


Ben poses with…er…I mean Ben look-a-like David Helmontaller (left) poses with a buddy from work dressed as a recipient of a Ben Roethlisberger Foundation grant (okay, not really), and Ben look-a-like John McFarland (right) poses with his buddy, Sadiq Hough, dressed as Coach Tomlin.


The Poulter’s are ready to hit the field…or rather the neighborhood! Left to right: 1-year old Lily is a cheerleader, Alexis as a referee, Mike is a coach (kinda looks like Coach Arians), and 10-year old Sean as his favorite player, Troy Polamalu.


Kendall Cawthorn heads out to do some Trick or Treating wearing her football hero’s jersey while being escorted by her every day hero, her dad Steve.


Left: Cynthia Filmore as Coach Tomlin and her boyfriend, Michael, as the best TE in the business! Right: Michelle Stiehler as Troy, and her husband, Al, as the EXTRA-LARGE bottle of Head & Shoulders shampoo!


Two pedigree K9s ready for a grant from the Ben Roethlisberger Foundation before heading to a police department in need. Photo: Jessica Duffaut.

Ryan and Kayla Dinkheller as Troy and a very friendly referee!

The center photo came to us simply as “Mr. & Mrs. Troy”. Alrighty then.

That’s Don & Paula Scholl in their Steelers best (Don, really?) attending a Halloween party.


“Took the Terrible Towel to Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania, Romania just to get some ‘bad karma’ on all teams not the Steelers.” — Ken Knecht‎.


“Our 3-year old daughter, Madilyn, trick or treating as her favorite football player. We are from Royal Oak, MI.” — Megan Modica.


When he’s not looking exactly like Coach Tomlin, he’s Jayden White from Colombia, Maryland. Photo: Steelers Nation West.

“Our son, Beck, as Coach Mike Tomlin.” — Chris & Holle Maricle.


“I can’t believe I got dressed up for this? A picture? I thought we were playing some Fall tackle football!!” — Pojack, already howling & growling.


Gordon Dedman (yes, that’s his real last name) doesn’t have a “living room” at Halloween, he has a “Night of the Living Dead room”. Yikes!


“My daughter’s name is Samantha, and she is a huge Steelers and Sports fan. She loves playing and has all of the Steelers players, stats and whatnot memorized. And she is only 8!” — Ryan Legge.


The Perkins Family from Hershey, PA: “Big Bro aka Big Ben is Drew Perkins (age 6); Our Cheerleader is Avery Perkins (age 4); The “football” is Ryan Perkins (7.5 months) with dad Joe Perkins who shares a Bday with Big Ben! My name is Kerry Perkins and I’m a lifelong Pittsburgh sports fan. I attended PITT! Can’t wait for Ben to be back! 🏈— Kerry Perkins.

The Aiken Family from Houston, TX: “My boys LOVE Ben and the Steelers! They get dressed in the full uniform, black under eye makeup included, and they watch Steeler’s high light videos on YouTube and discuss the plays together! Cole is 6 and Cash is 4. (Dad Joe is holding a little 3 month old football named Cruz). Happy Halloween from Houston Texas!” — Alisha Aiken.


This Steelers pumpkin is very eary…I mean, eerie! No bunny likes Halloween as much as this fella! Photo: Rachel Raysby.


From Left to Right:

Keri Blackburn’s son went to school as “sideline Big Ben” (via Twitter).

3-year old Logan was looking as adorable as can be as #43!!

4-year old Quincy Jr. loves the Steelers. He spots the team’s logo everywhere so of course he wanted to wear that logo proudly on his chest for Halloween!

Zac Godfrey was just about to put his game face on before heading out to score some Halloween candy.


Left: Deanna Srebrenick went to work as a “Bee of Steel”, or was it a Killer B?

Top Right: Andy Benton had a gig in Maryland on Halloween, so he dressed as a “Troy Polamalu – zombie drummer”.

Bottom Right: Brenton Evans was “Da Beard in Da South” (Virginia to be exact) last Halloween.


The Wayne Bates Family is dressed and ready for nightfall (or a football game)!


“It’s almost time!! It’s almost time!!! Pumpkins are being lit!! Trick or Treat is almost here!!” — Marco & Robbie.


Devon Ralph ‏@steelercrue
Kids wanted me to dress up like a super hero for halloween, so I did. @_BigBen7 @steelers #trickortreat


There should be NO QUESTION who won this Halloween costume contest —> Zachery Flick!! Photo: Ahava Flick.


“This is my son Benjamin David, age 10. He was actually named after Big Ben, the greatest QB is Steelers history! Best wishes and hope you get well soon so you can lead our boys up the Stairway to Seven!!” — Much love and God bless, Mark Apple.


This little #7 is just as tough as the original! No scary monster standing next to him is gonna make him cry!! Photo: Dustin Spider.

Like scary father, like scary son!! Eddie and Tommy Cruz ready to terrify the neighborhood!


“For 7 consecutive years, Big Ben has been my costume for Halloween, my favorite player, and a role model I look up to (don’t hate). His humility, heart, sportsmanship, leadership, and desire for excellence is inspiring and has always been something I admire. I’m even on his website somewhere! 😂😂 But after 7 years, this year I’m retiring the costume for awhile. I love Pittsburgh, love Big Ben and his family, and love wearing this jersey. Wouldn’t trade it for the world 😎😎🏈🏈 #BigBen #HereWeGo #SteelerNation #StairwayTo7 #CityOfChampions” — Elijah Benjamin.


“Where’s the candy? Put me in coach! I’ll find the candy!! I’ll find it!! — Colton. Photo:Allie Fitts.


“Yes, I get it! I gotta wait ’til dark, and I can’t ask anyone for cats – just candy. Sigh.” — Nestle.


A plethora of perfect Steelers pumpkins!

We couldn’t think of a better way to finish our look back at BigBen7.com Halloweens than bringing back these 2013 photos of the beautiful Pearl Sirota, who was 88 years young at the time these Halloween photos were taken: 


“Pearl dressed up as her favorite Steeler for a party at her retirement home. While it may be an oxymoron, she was the sweetest looking football player ever.” — Pearl’s proud daughter, Linda Lacinski for our post, “Pearl: A gem of a fan“.

Our tribute to this beautiful lady can be found here.

You can see all of the great Halloween photos that have been shared with us right here.